Thursday, April 24, 2008

Back To Work

Well, time again for another apology.

What can I’s been nearly a year since I started this blog, and yet my blogging has trailed off to nothing since November.  I’ve missed almost the entirety of the 2007 NFL season (including the play-offs), almost all of the NBA season (the Sonics are done, more ways than one), and opening day of the Major Leagues. Hell, I even blew off my chance to blog for USA Today!

In my defense, I will say I have been writing, nearly every day...I’ve simply been focused on other writing projects.  It might be easier if I had a bit more Gemini in me, or even Sag...those people can blog lots of topics (the former) or lots of opinions (the latter), like there’s no tomorrow.  As a Scorpio, I tend to be a “depth not breadth” person...and it can be exhausting to do hours of research and analysis for a short daily blog.  Ah, well.  I will try to pace myself and get back into it.

There’s still plenty to discuss...Shaun Alexander has been released from the Seahawks, and so it’s time to talk about their new acquisitions.  I should do a re-cap of the NFL play-offs for sure (I will say this...I picked the Pats to be defeated in the Super Bowl by the Giants, though I was hoping for the more Disney-esque version where Old Man Favre pulls one last championship out of his back pocket).  And Favre has retired!  The King has left the building, ladies and gentlemen...lots of stuff on the football front.

Way back in pre-season of last year, I talked about the astrological chemistry of the ‘Hawks running game and offensive line, and yeah it turned a little ugly at times last year.  We’ll need to take a look at the new crop of linemen suiting up. The defense, though played fantastic and with the exception of God stepping in nothing could have stopped them from returning to their 2nd Super Bowl.  Of course, we all saw how that turned out.

And the new Seahawks schedule turns up plenty of topic fodder as well. I haven’t seen such a happy little schedule in many Moons!  Certainly kinder than last year’s ass-kicker.

On the basketball front, we’re losing the, nothing much astrological to say about how the ownership purposefully tanked the team this year. But we can look at the extensive NBA finals and the teams matching up for the trophy.

And soccer...hoo-boy!  Seattle just acquired a Major League soccer team.  Hello, Sounders FC!  I can even guesstimate their actual birth date and time based on the announcement of their name (kind of a Christening for the team).  Thank the Lord that so many of my fellow Seattle-ites felt as strongly as I did and wrote in the name Sounders; we were nearly saddled with...well, we’ll talk about that, too.

All right, more later.  I do have a laptop now, so blogging should be an option more often.  As we enter into the season of Taurus, it’s time for me to put my head down and keep pushing like an ox!

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